Sunday 4 February 2018

How to Buy Tron Coin in Canada

How to Buy Tron Coin in Canada. Tron or TRX is the most popular cryptocoin on social media. Experts are confused with the rising and tremendous popularity of Tron coin. So, this makes people from all over the world to tell a way to buy TRX. This article will answer how to buy tron coin in canada. The country specific exchanges give different way to buy different coins. So, we publish specific articles for specific countries.

Canadians are getting crazy for the digital currency coins. After ETH, TRX is their preference. The important thing here to note is that TRX is not available for purchase with currency like USD or EUR directly. One can buy ETH or BTC and then trade TRX using them.

How to Buy Tron Coin in Canada

[caption id="attachment_754" align="aligncenter" width="451"]how to buy tron coin in canada how to buy tron coin in canada[/caption]

The process is divided into 4 steps:

  1. Register your account on Coinmama for getting Bitcoin

    [caption id="attachment_756" align="aligncenter" width="300"]how to buy tron coin in canada coinmama registration how to buy tron coin in canada coinmama registration[/caption]

    Coinmama lets you purchase BTC using USD or any other currency and send it to your wallet. Normally you do not have any exchange that will let you buy TRX directly with USD or EUR. You have to trade tron with BTC. You can create account at Coinmama official website.

  2. Create your account on Binance to get Virtual wallet

    [caption id="attachment_758" align="aligncenter" width="300"]how to buy tron coin in canada binance registration how to buy tron coin in canada binance registration[/caption]

    Binance will let you use the virtual wallet for receiving BTC or ETH or any other currency. You can use this BTC and purchase Tron coins at binance. You can create your Binance account at official Binance website. If you face any difficulty you can check out this stepwise tutorial as well.

  3. Buy Bitcoin and send it to Binance BTC wallet

    [caption id="attachment_755" align="aligncenter" width="300"]how to buy tron coin in canada eth wallet how to buy tron coin in canada eth wallet[/caption]

    Now when you have both Binance and Coinmama account ready, you can buy BTC from your Bank card directly. I recommend you to buy Ether as the transaction charges are less for Ethereum. Once you buy Ethereum you can convert it to BTC on binance and then proceed to buy TRX.

  4. Trade for TRX using the purchased BTC

    Once you have BTC in your binance wallet, you can proceed to buy Tron:

    [caption id="attachment_759" align="aligncenter" width="300"]how to buy Tron in Canada how to buy Tron in Canada[/caption]

    • Go to Exchange (basic / advanced).

    • Search for TRX or Tron.

    • Enter the quantity you wish to purchase and click on Buy Now.

Keep in Mind

Always ensure that when you buy Digital coins, you should not disclose your password to anybody.

If anybody on internet asks for your exchange password, report the incident directly to the company with which you have account. Prevention is always better than cure.


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